Saturday, April 3, 2010

Big Butte Run

Distances: 1 mile, 5k, 11k
I did the 11k in 2007 and 2009. The only overlap between the 11k and the 5k is the finish. Starts at the World Museum of Mining up a steep hill on single track trail. Before the end of the first mile, you've gotten onto a dirt road that is rolling with a slight downhill grade. About halfway through you turn onto a paved road for about a 1/4 mile then turn up a different dirt road which is rolling with a slight uphill grade. There is another steep hill right before the finish back at the World Museum of Mining. It's mostly low key, but since it's probably the first "trail run" of the year in Montana, it can get competitive. The check-in and awards were originally held outdoors, which could be quite cold. Moving those indoors was a nice improvement. Not a bad early season race.

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