Sunday, January 31, 2010

Powderhound Winter Triathalon

Distance: 1 event with 5k run, 10k mountain bike, & 5k cross country ski
Disclaimer: I'm a lousy biker and tried skate skiing only a handful of times prior to race day. Keep this in mind when I tell you how difficult those legs are.
This was a fun mid-winter event, and I wouldn't be afraid to show up if you aren't comfortable racing one of the events because most people seemed prepared to have fun. The run was two loops on an ungroomed path- which meant you post-holed on the first loop and ran through churned up snow in the second. The bike was also two loops on a groomed x-c ski trail. The bike course got really torn up and became increasingly difficult to ride on as more people had been on it- which gave fast runners a distinct advantage because they saw better conditions. (The second loop of the bike was so bad the organizers have PROMISED a one-loop course for next year). The x-c ski leg was a single loop. There is a short overlap in the x-c ski leg between people leaving the exchange zone and the finishing stretch so be alert. Terrain for all events was rolling hills.
As with all the events I've participated at the Homestake Pass Lodge, it was well organized with a great atmosphere and they provided a post-race meal/socializing opportunity, in this case, a chili feed.

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